Photograph Specifications:


If you wish to use your own photographs for registration they must have been taken by a professional photographer to conform with our photo specifications.  Amateur looking photos will not be accepted, and you will need to arrange for a professional photographer or use a recommended photographer of the agency.


Photos need to be casting photos, not modelling photos, and be consistent with photos of other talent that we use to submit to productions for work.


Photos must be clear, well lit, and on a clean white back-lit background with no other persons or objects in the photo (please see example below)



At least 11cm wide and 15cm high, and minimum 100dpi



2 or 3 photos are required of a similar look

Must have a clean white background

Taken from the waist up to include all face and hair

Taken standing up and front on, or near front on, with a natural pose

Portrait orientation (not landscape)

In colour and supplied as a .jpg

No hats, costumes or sunglasses

No large logos or graphics

Ideally wearing slim fitting smart casual shirts/tops


No heavy makeup

No Photoshopping of images - they need to look as close to how you actually look as possible.


We need at least two images, preferably three.


Example image:


Please ensure your photos meet our specifications before submitting.




© 2024 All rights reserved Screentalent Pty Ltd ABN 49 669 182 334

Australia's leading supplier of talent for work in film & television.